Friday, January 26, 2007

Mozzie Madness

Someone once said ... 'Whoever said that size matters? They should try sleeping with a mosquito in the room'

Which I was very much reminded of last night.

After crabbing at Grange Jetty with some OCFers yesterday, I went to bed, and was awakened by a short humm in my left ear. The clock read 3.45 am, and my left arm was throbbing slightly. Ignoring it, I drifted back to sleep, only to be awakened again by another high-pitched humm across my ear. Reflexively, I slapped at my ear (BIG mistake :P ), and was snapped upright, ears ringing and stars flashing in my eyes.

Never wake me up when I'm deep in slumber... I grow claws and fangs when my sleep gets interrupted, unless it's important or urgent... Which the mosquito discovered... heh :)

Growling, I switched on the bedroom lights, wedged myself in a corner of the room (to protect my back) and waited, holding both arms out. Shortly, a grey little shadow hovered across my face. I swiped at it, but missed.

My left arm was still throbbing, and a quick check revealed 3 (!) mosquito bites - one on the tip of my middle finger, one near the wrist, and another near the elbow. No wonder it was throbbing... that greedy mozzie...

Muttering, I continued sitting there for several minutes. This time, when I spotted the dark shadow bobbing towards my arms, I reached out and smacked it... hard... leaving a scarlet smear across both my hands. Disgusted but satisfied, I washed it off, and climbed back into bed.

However, I tossed restlessly in bed for a while, probably still fuelled by the adrenaline, then got out and did some reading (nothing puts you to sleep more easily than readings ;) before going back to sleep at 7 am...

... And waking up at 12.30pm. Good thing today's a public holiday (Australia Day). Earlier, I'd entertained thoughts of going back to the labs in the afternoon to run a few experiments (being a good hard-working little resesarcher, heh), but as I lounged languidly in bed, those notions dissolved very quickly :)

Had lunch, checked my emails, surfed a bit, and will be off for OCF soon. Thus, my plans for a productive day today have been foiled by a little mozzie (okay, I admit, my laziness too ... ;)

I love God's creations... but I still have a bit of an issue there with mozzies...

Die, mozzie !! Die !!

Heh :)


Blogger Dissociated Mind said...

Excellent post! I feel you, sister!! Thanks for the laughs.. haha

7:24 PM  
Blogger GraceL said...

Heh. *High Five*

3:56 PM  

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