Sunday, May 27, 2007

4 words

Read this last week, and was reminded that in times of uncertainty, when we're filled with worry, or feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face ...

Leave God to order all thy ways,

and hope in Him whatever betide;
Thou wilt find Him in the evil days
Thy all sufficient strength and guide
Who trusts in God's unchanging love
Builds on the rock that nought can move.

Thou on the Lord rely,
So safe shalt thou go on;
Fix on His work thy steadfast eye,
So shall thy work be done.

Far, far above thy thought
His counsel shall appear,
When fully He the work hath wrought
That caused thy needless fear.

- 'Behind the Ranges: The life-changing story of J.O. Fraser' by Geraldine Taylor

Four words came to mind...
Hope, Patience, Faithfulness, and Trust.

In God who is all powerful, sufficient, more than enough, faithful. Who has, by His grace, seen us through these many years and will continue to see us through the years to come, no matter what challenges come our way.

Even if it takes days, weeks, months, or years to see any answers to prayer, or to see our efforts come to fruition. God's timing is not limited to our time.

Knowing His faithfulness. To continue being faithful and diligent in doing the things we've been called to do, to keep praying faithfully for the situation, and to continue to love, wait, and be patient in the meantime.

Relying on Him, and knowing that if it is indeed His will (and not just praying for Him to do whatever we want), then even though we may not see any immediate results, trust that God is already working in that situation, for we may not know all the things that are happening behind the scenes, or the things that are already happening in a person's heart.

Something I need to constantly remind myself, not to be frustrated or worried unnecessarily, but to rely on Him, knowing His peace and joy that transcends all understanding.

' Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. '
- Romans 12 : 12


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