Monday, August 29, 2005

P.E.N.T.: Post E - Nite Thoughts :)

Half a year of planning. Of weekly Saturday morning meetings in the city. Of shared joy and frustration. Of encouragement and support. Of full-day rehearsals in the last month. Of frantic last-minute arrangements. Of trusting and walking in faith.

All leading up to the OCF E-Nite musical production last Saturday.

It is done...

But like Gillian said, this is not the end, it is just the beginning. The beginning of newly-forged friendships. The beginning of growth in various areas of our lives. The beginning of a new perspective of things. The beginning of a new life for 7 brothers and sisters. Lives have been changed, and seeds have been planted. Now, we need to nurture them and help them grow... there is still much work ahead.

But (at least for now :) I have one more Saturday to sleep-in. Was so tired on Saturday night that I actually started to see flashes and stars at the edge of my vision when I reached home, but I've managed to catch up on most of my sleep since then. Crazily, like most other events in my life, I'm now suffering from E-Nite withdrawal :) Remembering all the glitches during rehearsals, and the never-ending list of things that needed improvement upon, it really amazes me how smoothly everything went during the final performance. Even the props managed to hold-together until the end of the musical, then literally fell apart after that... *phew* :) And we had a whopping 730 people in the audience, truly well-beyond our initial expectations...

On another note, it's been a privellege and joy working with the whole production crew. I'm thankful for E-Nite, for the opportunity that all our paths could meet. I only regret being unable to get to really know all better. However, the love and fellowship shared there was so strong and tangible, that it's simply unforgettable. Memories of friends hugging and encouraging one another before the performance; of sitting backstage together and munching on chocolate after the musical; of the whole team working together to rearrange and re-organise the hall after the whole production; these are just some of the souvenirs I'll bring back from this experience (including the P.U.S.H. wristband :)

I'm also thankful for the time and energy that they've committed to the whole event. Without each of them, the vision of E-Nite would not have materialised. However, whether in the performing team or in the audience, whether in a main role or supporting role... what we are a part of, is more important than the part we play. We may be many parts, but all of one body. Each of us has a different, but equally important role in God's great plan. So we should continue to work together in unity... 'Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.' - John 13 : 34 ... For in unity, there is strength.

Thus, the chapter of 'E-Nite 2005' is done... And the next step from here? We'll see, soon... :)